Via social media the teams can already network with each other in the run-up to the IKA/Culinary Olympics 2024.
Since the draw in May, the teams for the IKA/Culinary Olympics 2024 have been determined – the common goal is Stuttgart and connects all participants. Connecting with each other can already begin digitally, because it has become even easier in recent years. More teams than ever before are represented with social media channels and share their stories and information online. Via Facebook and Instagram, teams can get to know each other in the run-up to the IKA and keep their followers up to date. We’ve compiled an overview of who can be reached and how in the account names. Simply click on them, browse online, and connect – it will increase your anticipation of the face-to-face meeting in February.
Stay up to date on the IKA/Culinary Olympics 2024 – follow us on Instagram, Facebook und YouTube.
Missing your team’s contact? Let us know: presse@vkd.com
National Teams
Junior National Teams
Team | ||
Australia | @acfaussieteams | @acfaussiechefs |
Canada | @juniorculinaryteamcanada | @culinaryyouthteamcanada |
Croatia | @hrvatski.kuharskisavez | @hrvatski_kuharski_savez |
Cyprus | @CyprusChefs | @culinaryteamcyprus |
Czech Republic | @narodnitymkucharu | @narodnitymkucharu |
Denmark | @juniorkokkelandsholdet | @dansk_gastronomisk_union |
England | @BCFChefs | @englandculinaryteam |
Germany | @VKDcom | @nationalculinaryteamgermany |
Ireland | @chefsofireland | @chefsofireland |
Mexico | @mexicoculinaryteam | @mexicoculinaryteam |
Norway | Det Norske Kokkelandslaget, NKL | @nkl_kokkelandslagene |
Singapore | @singaporechefs | @singaporechefs |
South Korea | Korea national cooking Team | – |
Sweden | Svenska Juniorkocklandslaget | @juniorkocklandslaget |
Switzerland | @hotelgastrounion | @swissculinarynationalteams |
Taiwan | Taiwan Chefs Association | – |
Ukraine | Асоціація шеф-кухарів України | @ukraine__culinary__teams |
USA | @ACFCulinaryTeamUSA | @acf_chefs |
Wales | @CulinaryAssociationofWales.CymdeithasCoginiol Cymru |
@welshchefs |
Community Catering Teams
Team | ||
Azerbaijan Culinary Specialists Association (Azerbaijan) | @chefs.az | @chefs.az |
Combined Services Culinary Arts Team (UK) | @CSCATMoD | @cscatmod |
Compass Culinary Team Finland (Finland) | @Compassgroupculinaryteamfi | @Compassgroupculinaryteamfi |
Culinary Team Greece (Greece) | @culinaryprofessionals | @culinaryprofessionals |
Luxembourg Culinary Catering Team asbl (Luxembourg) | Luxembourg Culinary Catering Team a.s.b.l. | – |
NAIT Culinary Team (Canada) | @NAIT-Culinary-Team | @naitculinary |
Prešovský klub kuchárov a cukrárov Slovakia (Slovakia) | @PresevskyKlubKucharovACukraarov | – |
Swiss Armed Forces Culinary Team / SACT (Switzerland) | @swissarmedforcesculinaryteam | @swissarmedforcesculinaryteam |
United States Army Culinary Arts Team (USA) | @usacatteam | @usacatteam |