IKA Instead of Vacation: Helping Hands on a Voluntary Basis
Blue badge around their neck and an eye on the competition procedures: The Marshals help out at the IKA on a voluntary basis. Photo: IKA/Culinary Olympics
More than forty chefs are supporting the VKD on a voluntary basis in the organization of the 26th IKA/Culinary Olympics in February. We asked them what motivates them to invest their free time in the Culinary Olympics.
Text Anna Häuser PortraitsVKD/Wrobel (Röder), Faulstich, VKD/Arlt (Augst),QuornFoods(Staab)
Every four years, the IKA/Culinary Olympics is a major project that requires intensive planning in advance and a lot of “manpower” on site. As the organizer, the German Chefs Association (VKD) relies on the strength of its own ranks and the great commitment of its members. In February, more than 40 VKD-members swapped their holidays, overtime and retirement for work on the Stuttgart “Olympic site”. In their free time, they volunteer to help with the competition, seat guests in the Restaurant of Nations or staff the VKD information desk and shop. “I was elected by the delegates of the Landesverband der Köche Hessen to represent their interests in the VKD and to contribute accordingly,” says Barbara Röder. “That’s why I consider it my duty to volunteer during the IKA, among other things.” As in 2020, the Chairwoman of the VKD-Landesverband Hessen will be involved in the ticket exchange. “I’m looking forward to seeing familiar faces, exchanging ideas internationally, being inspired and experiencing the flair of a competition like this. My highlight of the last IKA was the parade of nations.A goosebump moment for me.”
Motivated Marshall Crew
Stefan Faulstich also has special memories of the opening ceremony. He will be back as a marshall in 2024. “Every association thrives on the commitment of its members. As Chairman of the Verein der Köche 1921 Fulda e. V., I know that only too well,” he says. “It wouldn’t work without people who enjoy realizing the event. We have known many colleagues, officials and participants for many years, so the IKA is also a kind of ‘family reunion’.”
“The IKA atmosphere is very special,” says Markus Augst from Speicher in the Eifel region. “Here, like-minded people from all over the world come together, who understand each other despite cultural and linguistic differences and want to achieve the same thing. Another special highlight in 2020 was the team behind the scenes. Everyone gave their all to make it an unforgettable IKA/Culinary Olympics despite the change of location.” Markus Augst will be volunteering as a marshall again in February. “If we already have the IKA in our own country, then I want to help the VKD as much as I can. There’s also no better event for maintaining and expanding your network and getting to know new colleagues from all over the world!
Isabell Staab from Bad Kreuznach is a new member of the Marshall crew. “I’m an IKA newcomer and have never really had any contact with the Culinary Olympics before,” she says. “Barbara Röder asked me if I could imagine being a marshall. As I have international experience and speak fluent English, I said yes. I’m really looking forward to seeing what the nations deliver, to new trends, including in the area of vegetarian and vegan cuisine and to international networking.”
As an association, the VKD relies on the support of volunteers. “It is only possible to organize a mega event like the IKA thanks to the special commitment of our many colleagues,” says VKD President Daniel Schade. “This commitment cannot be taken for granted and we are grateful for the strong support from the VKD family. As a small thank-you, we are inviting all members to the VKD Lounge on IKA Sunday for a meet & greet in the spirit of volunteering.”
Photo: IKA/Culinary Olympics
What does an IKA Marshall do?
Marshalls support the organization of the various competitions. For example, they instruct the National and Junior National Teams as well as Community Catering Teams in the kitchens, check the kitchen equipment, keep handover reports or provide materials from the equipment room. They also prepare the menus for the jury, which then assesses them in the separate jury room, and stagger the start times at the (Junior) Chef’s Table. The marshalls also help with the exhibitions of the Regional Teams and Individual Exhibitors. A “Head of Marshalls” will be appointed for both the early and late shifts to act as a direct contact person on site.
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