Edgar Fuchs GmbH – win together
At the 26th IKA/Culinary Olympics we will once again experience the passion and professionalism with which the various national teams work in the kitchens. So it’s no wonder that performance at the highest level will be the result. Because passion is the foundation of the participants’ work.
And also the foundation of our work, because this is the only way we have managed to become one of the leading property furnishers in Germany – for the success of our customers.
For more than 60 years, we have taken care of every project entrusted to us in a professional and customer-oriented manner, no matter how small or large and whether regional, national or international.
Our teams and experts in eight branches in Germany and Switzerland always have an eye on the whole, from project design, planning and coordination to implementation – at Edgar Fuchs the focus is always on the best possible solution for the customer and the guest .
We are proud to be a technical partner of the IKA/Culinary Olympics again this year and to be able to do our part to ensure that all the great and passionate chefs in the competition kitchens conjure up fantastic performances on the plates.
We wish everyone involved fair competition, good luck and much success.
Sincerely, Yours,
Harald Fuchs Michael Fuchs Julian Fuchs Louis Fuchs

Jürgen Gärtner
Director Business Development & Consulting
Tel: +49 6021 8402- 0
Mobile: +49 171 6464696
Email: jg@edgar-fuchs.com
Contentwise responsible for texts and photos on this subpage is Edgar Fuchs.